Dollars and Sense

Dollars and $ense - A Tool For Good

Dollars and $ense - A Tool For Good

When you Live on Margin, it enables you to Live on Mission. You can have a bigger impact and legacy that carries forward into the future by choosing to be generous with what you have.

The Mission that Jesus gave us can be summed up simply as "Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples." This week, we talked about how this mission is funded, and how this makes a difference in the world.

Dollars and $ense - A Management Mystery

Dollars and $ense - A Management Mystery

This week we continued looking at our perspectives on money by tackling the question Do you own your money, or do you manage it?

The simple truth is that money goes in and out of our possession, and we can't take any of it with us when we die. It's better to realize the truth that God owns everything (Psalm 24:1) and we are managers of the money he provides. When we view money as something we actively manage, we set ourselves up to make better financial decisions.

Dollars and $ense - An Endless Pursuit

Dollars and $ense - An Endless Pursuit

We want everyone to be able to Live with Margin and Live on Mission. One of the hurdles to overcome is the desire everyone has: greed. Whether we realize it or not, all of us have a desire for more, and those desires can lead us to a place where our desire for money becomes a trap that leads to selfishness.

Instead, we can choose to live focused on Gratitude and Contentment. When we choose to be grateful for everything, and learn how to be content in any situation, greed can be defeated.

Dollars and $ense - A Constant Worry

Dollars and $ense - A Constant Worry

Are you part of the 47% of Canadians who say money gives them extreme emotional stress? If you are, there is hope, but it's going to take some work to get there.

One of the first steps to take is to recognize our mindset about money, many of us have let worry take over and each day brings a new worry about our finances. But Jesus presents a different picture: We can have a perspective on money that doesn't cause us stress. That's what we're focusing on today. Money can be a constant worry, but it doesn't have to be that way.